- Welcome everyone to NXT! Tonight we have
intense action to offer, starting with the awaited debut of Apollo Crews! But
that’s not all because tonight we’re going to determine the new Nº1 Contender
for Finn Balor’s NXT Championship when Samoa Joe, Sami Zayn and Corey Graves
face each other in a Triple Threat Match! All that and much more but right now
it’s Paige and Naomi teaming up against the NXT Women’s Champion Natalya and AJ
Lee! Stay tuned!
Match 1
- AJ
Lee and Naomi start the match, with Naomi kicking AJ in the gut and lock an
early armbar. AJ Lee tries to reverse it but Naomi keeps the pressure and hits
some hard elbows to her face, keeping her down. Naomi then gets up and does a
great Front flip clothesline without letting Lee’s right arm go. She then tags
in Paige, who resumes the work on her arm, kicking it several times and
finishing with an armbreaker, while taunting Natalya in front of her. The NXT
Women’s Champion tries to enter the ring but the referee stops her, leaving
Paige with a smile while stomping AJ’s right arm once more. Paige then picks AJ
up and goes for another armbar… Reversed! AJ with a front dropkick, sending
“The Anti-Diva” to the mat! AJ Lee tries to finally recover and goes for Paige,
trying a swinging neckbreaker! Blocked! Paige with a side kick! Nasty kick
there! Paige quickly tags Naomi in, who goes for the cover! 1-2-………….kick out!
Naomi picks AJ up and again goes for her arm…… WATCH OUT! DDT! AJ Lee with a
desperate DDT! She tries to crawl to her corner and tag in Natalya but Naomi reacts just in time and pulls AJ back to the middle of the ring. Naomi then
throws Lee to the other corner and goes for a clothesline! COUNTER! AJ with a
kick to the face! Tornado DDT! Connected perfectly! AJ makes an effort and
finally manages to tag Natalya in! The champion goes on a rampage and clotheslines
Naomi multiple times, followed by an impressive Powerslam! Cover!
1-2-…………………………………….KICK OUT! Natalya quickly picks Naomi up and hits a
Michinoku driver!! The crowd pops and she might have this! 1-2-…………………………Paige
breaks the count! Natalya tries to get Paige but she is quick in leaving the
ring…. CAREFUL! Leg Lariat by Naomi! Natalya is down and Naomi goes to the top
rope! She waits for the Canadian superstar to get up! Diving Crossbody! OH!!
Discus Clothesline!! Naomi might be knocked out here! Both women try to get to
their feet, with Natalya being the first one. She slowly picks Naomi up and
goes for a Snap Suplex! BLOCKED! Naomi is blocking the suplex and they go on a
power struggle! Hold on! Paige has tagged herself in without anyone noticing!
Natalya finally hits the suplex on Naomi and goes for The Sharpshooter!!
Running Knee Lift by Paige!! Vicious shot! Paige smiles and goes for the PTO!
WAIT! AJ Lee with Shining Wizard!! Look out! Naomi clotheslines Lee and they
both fall to the outside! Paige and Natalya are the legal women and they take
their time in getting up. Now they stare at each other as the crowd goes crazy.
They brutally punch each other! Oh my! Natalya with a Discus Clothesline and
Paige is groggy! Release German Suplex! Natalya is closing in on the win here!
- Sharpshooter!! It’s locked in! Paige screams in pain and tries to get to the
ropes! Natalya applies more pressure and tries to pull her to the middle of the
ring! Paige is almost getting the ropes but NO! Natalya pulls her in!! It’s
done! WHAT?! Paige somehow grabs Natalya’s hair and pulls her head back! Oh my
God! Paige with the Muta Lock!!!! Amazing! Natalya has Paige on The
Sharpshooter but Paige has Natalya on the Muta Lock!! Natalya releases the hold
and tries to turn it into a German Suplex!
- WAIT! Roll-up!! Paige with the
roll-up! 1-2-3!!!!! Paige got it! Somehow she got it and has pinned the NXT
Women’s Champion!
Winners: Paige & Naomi
- Paige quickly leaves the ring, while Natalya
can’t believe she got caught. “The Anti-Diva” smiles from the ramp and shouts
that this is her house and that is her championship. Amazing match!
- We return to the broadcast and we see the NXT
General Manager William Regal on his office. Suddenly Baron Corbin appears,
apparently not happy. “The Lone Wolf” tells Regal that what happened last week
with Christian was a mistake, a fluke and that he was screwed by a bad referee.
He then says he wants another shot at Christian and this time, he wants a
referee that knows what he’s doing and not a weak amateur! Regal calms him down
and says that he can’t start calling out referees or their professionalism. It
will only create problems for him. Regal then explains that Christian won the
match fair and square and there’s not real reason to have a rematch, since that
was a match to solve their own issues and it did just that. Corbin starts
shouting at Regal to cut the bullshit and just give him what he wants or else
he’s going to make things happen himself. Baron Corbin leaves the office while
William Regal looks preoccupied with what just happened.
- We return to ringside and Rich Brennan talks
about the recently announced NXT TakeOver: Armageddon! He goes on to say this
is NXT’s first stand-alone PPV ever since becoming a major brand and the
reactions on social media have been nothing short of amazing. He then flips the
switch and tells us it’s time for Apollo Crews awaited debut! “The One Man
Nation” will face off against Fandango, NEXT!
Match 2 – VS
- The
crowd goes insane for Apollo, while Fandango comes alone to the ring which
means The Rose Express has indeed disbanded. The match starts with Apollo
overpowering Fandango easily, showing all of his strength. They again lock in
but this time Fandango hits a high knee to the face, leaving Apollo dizzy.
Fandango takes advantage and starts kicking Apollo’s legs followed by a great
dropkick. He then goes to for a headlock on Apollo Crews… Reversed! Apollo
with a German Suplex! He then picks Fandango up and goes for an impressive Delayed
vertical suplex! He keeps Fandango in the air for quite some time as the crowd
chant for his name. He then hits the suplex and goes to do some push-ups in
front of Fandango as the crowd pops. He then waits for Fandango to get up….
Apollo with the Gorilla press drop! NO! Fandango tries everything he can to
stop it! Elbow to the face! Roll-up! HOLD ON! Apollo lifts Fandango up!
Powerbomb! It’s the All Out Assault! Another Powerbomb! And another! He finally
releases Fandango and looks at the crowd, who chants “One more time!” back at
him. Apollo nods in approval and picks up a broken Fandango up again. Rake to
the eyes! Fandango still has some life in him! Sitout suplex slam! Great move
by Fandango! He then slowly goes to the top rope and signals The Last Dance Leg
Drop! Here goes! MY GOD! Apollo grabs Fandango mid-air with sheer force!
- Gorilla Press Drop! Standing Moonsault! Incredible athleticism! Cover! 1-2-3!!
Apollo Crews with an impressive debut on NXT!
Winner: Apollo Crews
- The crowd chant Apollo’s name once more and he
celebrates in the ring, showing that he’s here in NXT to make one hell of an
- We got backstage, where Jo-Jo is with NXT
Champion Finn Balor. Jo-Jo asks Balor how’s he feeling after the brutal match
against Corey Graves at Extreme Rules and what are his thoughts about tonight’s
Triple Threat Match to determine his next challenger. Balor says he’s still
very sore and in a bit of pain but nothing major, he’s already used to it. He
then says he is actually excited to see that match since all competitors are
incredible and he welcomes any challenge thrown his way. He says he has a long
friendship story with Samoa Joe and calls him one of the best wrestlers in the
world. He then says Sami Zayn is one of people’s favourite and he earned that
respect from everyone by performing every night like no other. He then talks
about how Graves returned with a goal and he’s more dangerous than ever. Balor
admits he began having doubts during their match at Extreme Rules and that
Graves was very close to winning but he fought hard to get to this spot and couldn’t
let that slip away. Finn Balor then says it’s a great time to be a wrestling
fan and especially, a NXT fan and says that tonight’s Main Event is going to be
a treat.
- Back at the announcers table, Rich Brennan says
that after last week’s incidents in the Kurt Angle vs Hideo Itami match for the
uncrowned NXT Intercontinental Championship, a match has been set for tonight!
The man who attacked Hideo and apparently joined Kurt Angle, “The Real
American” Jack Swagger will face “The Japanese Sensation”! Will Hideo get some
retribution on Swagger after costing him the opportunity to win the
championship or does Angle has yet another plan ready to go? Stay tuned! Coming
up next, The Vaudevillains face the NXT Tag Team Champions, The Ascension in a
non-title match!
Match 3 – VS
- The
match starts with Viktor and Aiden English as the legal men. After some quick
exchanges, Viktor hits a strong elbow smash to the face, followed by a snapmare.
Viktor then goes for a modified Dragon Sleeper but Aiden reverses into a Back
Body Drop. Aiden launches himself into Viktor with some strong punches but the
NXT Tag Team Champion replies with some brutal European Uppercuts, sending
Aiden to the corner. Viktor then goes for a running clothesline, connecting. He
tags in Konnor, who quickly starts manhandling Aiden English, stomping on his
back multiple times and locking in a Surfboard Stretch! Aiden screams in pain
while Konnor taunts Simon Gotch. The crowd begins pushing for English and he
somehow begins showing signs of fighting back! Roll-over! Enzuigiri! Another
Enzuigiri! Swinging Neckbreaker! Konnor is down! Cover! 1-2-……………………….KICK OUT!
English tags in Simon Gotch, who goes for all out on Konnor! He keeps punching
Konnor, who can only defend himself! OH! Konnor with the vicious Big Boot!
Viktor tags himself in and picks Gotch up, hitting a Suplex! Viktor quickly
picks Gotch up again and unleashes a fury of European Uppercuts, followed by a
Snap Powerslam! Cover! 1-2-…………………………………….KICK OUT! Viktor grabs Gotch and
throws him to The Ascension’s corner. Tag on Konnor and a double team move! Spinning
spinebuster into a Double knee backbreaker!! What a move! Konnor goes for the
cover! 1-2-…………………………………………….KICK OUT! Konnor picks Gotch up and irish whips
him. LOOK OUT! Forearm Smash by Gotch!! And another! Konnor is feeling groggy!
Simon Gotch with some nasty high knees to the face and a Scoop Slam! Gotch is
fired up and goes to the second rope! Gentlemen’s Elbow Drop!! Misses!! WATCH
OUT! Konnor with a Full Nelson Slam! He then picks Gotch up and goes for The
Fall of Man! COUNTER!! Gotch counters with an impressive Leg Lariat! Both men
are down as English begs for his teammate to tag! Almost there! Tag made on
both sides! Viktor and English go at each other but this time is "The
Artiste" who’s on fire! He sends Viktor to the ground with several
strong clotheslines, followed by an impressive armbar! WAIT! English turns the
armbar into a Leg Drop! Connects! Cover! 1-2-…………………………………KICK OUT! English
waits for Viktor to get up and goes for a Jumping DDT! NO! Viktor counters with
a STO!!! Viktor with a Springboard Moonsault!! That’s a new one! He slowly
picks Aiden English up and again throws him against the corner. HOLD ON! Aiden
climbs the second rope! Leaping Leg Drop from the second rope!! Cover!
1-2-………………………………………………………….Konnor breaks the pin!!! Here comes Simon Gotch!
Boxing Jab! Atomic Drop! Rolling fireman's carry slam! Great combination!
INCOMING! Viktor with the Jumping STO on Gotch! REVERSED!
- Rolling Fireman’s
Carry! English is on the top rope!! That’s a Wrap!! Senton Bomb on Viktor!!
PIN! 1-2-3!!! Oh my!! The Vaudevillains did it! They pinned the NXT Tag Team
Winner: The Vaudevillains
- The Vaudevillains celebrate enthusiastically
this big upset, as Konnor and Viktor look shocked with what just happened. The
crowd cheers for the winners as one most wonder if this win places The
Vaudevillains one step closer to a shot at the NXT Tag Team Championships. They
surely have shown they are capable of beating the champions and have the full
supports of the audience.
- We go backstage where we see Jo-Jo with Corey
Graves. Before she asks anything, he takes the microphone from her and goes on
to send her away. He then talks to the camera and says this Triple Threat Match
shouldn’t even exist and that he should be the Nº1 Contender automatically. He
took Balor to the limit and he was this close in getting HIS NXT Championship
but luck seems to enjoy landing Balor a hand. Well, that won’t last much longer
because tonight he’s going to beat the living hell of those two losers,
break their ankles and get one step closer to the “lucky” Balor. He then tells
Balor to take a close look at tonight’s match because whatever mean, disgusting
things he will do to Joe and Zayn, it will be ten times worse when they meet
again and then we’ll see if Balor’s luck can keep enduring his “Lucky 13”.
- On the locker room, we see Kurt Angle talking
to Jack Swagger. Angle tells Swagger that it’s time to finish what he started
and that is taking out Hideo once and for all. When that’s all done, William
Regal will have no choice but to award him the NXT Intercontinental
Championship. Swagger tells Angle not to worry, he knows exactly what to do and
that after their match, the NXT fans can finally have a real champion, a real
American hero to be proud of and not a foreign who has no place being here.
“The Olympic Gold Medalist” says he’s proud of Swagger and those are exactly
the words he was expecting to hear from him. Kurt Angle finishes off by saying
he will be there with Swagger just in case and that he has full confidence in
him. Coming up, “The Real American” Jack Swagger will battle “The Japanese
Sensation” Hideo Itami!
Match 4 – VS
- Kurt
Angles comes down alongside Swagger, which means Hideo needs to be extra
careful for any kind of shenaningans. The match starts with Swagger trying to
attack Hideo’s left leg and ankle, the same one that was severely punished last
week by both Kurt and Swagger’s Ankle Lock. Hideo keeps moving around the ring,
trying to avoid a mistake early on. Swagger once again tries a leg takedown
but Hideo is fast enough to avoid it and hits some fierce kicks to his arm,
followed by a dropkick, sending Swagger crashing on the outside, with Angle
checking on him and giving him some extra motivation. Swagger angrily enters
the ring but Hideo is already waiting for him and again goes for the kicks.
WAIT! Swagger got him! Dragon screw legwhip! Oh no, this is the last thing
Hideo wanted to happen! Swagger with a knee drop on Itami’s foot, followed by a
knee slam! Half-Boston Crab! But Hideo is fortunately close to the ropes and
has the referee break the hold. Swagger starts clobbering the Japanese
superstar’s back, followed by a Side belly to belly attempt! BLOCKED! Tornado
DDT!! Hideo plants Swagger on the mat, while Angle starts screaming at “The
Real American” to get up. Hideo begins to fire up and goes for more kicks to
Swagger’s arms, followed by an impressive jumping armbar! Hideo is locking in
the Crossface! NO! Swagger reverses into a German Suplex! That was a close one!
Swagger waits for Hideo to get up and hits a strong chop block to his left leg,
continuing to target that area. Swagger stalks Hideo and goes for a Football
tackle to his knees, followed by a Leg Drop! Cover! 1-2-………………………..KICK OUT!
Hideo is starting to feel the effects on his foot as Swagger takes his time and
again goes for a Football Tackle! MISSED! Swagger crashes into the corner with
his arm, while Hideo takes the opportunity to hit a Half-Nelson Suplex!!
Amazing strength showed by the Japanese! The crowd begins to chant for Hideo as
he signals for the Roundhouse Kick! DUCKED! Swagger ducks! Side belly to belly!!
Swagger goes to the far corner and tries the Swagger Bomb!!
- Running corner
slingshot splash! Connects! Cover! 1-2-…………………………………………………………….KICK OUT!
Swagger begins to get frustrated and looks back at Angle, who is trash talking
the referee. Swagger points at Kurt Angle and puts his straps down, paying
homage to “The Olympic Gold Medalist” as the crowd boos. Gutwrench powerbomb!!
NO! Hideo counters with some punches to the head, making Swagger lose balance!
Roundhouse Kick!!! He got all of that!! Cover! 1-2-……………………………………What?! Oh
please! Angle is on the apron, distracting the referee as the crowd counts to 5
already. Hideo notices Angle on the apron and tries to get him but Angle
escapes! Chop Block!! Swagger took advantage of it!
- Patriot Lock!!! It’s locked
in!! Hideo has nowhere to go now! Angle is right in front of Hideo and shouts
for him to tap out as Hideo refuses to do so! Amazing spirit! HOLD ON! Hideo
with a roll, sending Swagger crashing on the outside for the second time this
match! INCOMING! Suicide Dive!! Angle tries to get a cheap shot but Hideo sees
him and Angle quickly backs out. LOOK OUT! Swagger pushes Hideo against the
ringpost and then sends him back to the ring! Swagger goes for the Patriot Lock
again! OH! COUNTER!
- Roundhouse Kick right in the face! Swagger is groggy! GTS!!!
GTS!!! Connects!! Wait! Shotgun Kick!! Got it! Cover! 1-2-3!!! Hideo did it! He
gets a much deserved win!
Winner: Hideo Itami
- As soon as the match ends, Angle jumps on
Hideo, hitting a vicious German Suplex and then stomping his left foot over and
over. Kurt Angle is enraged and goes for the Angle Slam but Hideo counters into
a DDT! He slowly tries to recuperate but Swagger gets him with another chop
block and hits a knee slam. Swagger than helps Angle up who quickly locks the
Ankle Lock! Hideo sees himself in the same position as last week….. What the
- That’s….. Is that? It is!! It’s Shinsuke Nakamura!! The crowd is insane
and confused at the same time but they quickly chant for Nakamura’s name! The
self-proclaimed “King of Strong Style” is here and he rushes to the ring at
full speed, with Angle rolling out as quickly as possible. Swagger tries a
clothesline on Nakamura but gets a Lariat instead!
- Nakamura then hits a Sleeper
Suplex! He goes to the far corner and the crowd knows what this is! Boma Ye!!
Knee Strike right to Swagger’s face, sending “The Real American” to the
outside! Angle looks shocked as does the crowd but a huge chant starts! It
appears that the former New Japan Pro Wrestling Superstar has arrived to the
NXT world!
- We return after a small commercial break and we
see a promo hyping the upcoming NXT TakeOver: Armageddon PPV!
- Back to ringside and Byron Saxton informs us
that after the recent events with the arrival of Shinsuke Nakamura, NXT General
Manager William Regal has apparently made a huge match for next week; Kurt
Angle and Jack Swagger will team up and face Hideo Itami and “The King of
Strong Style” Nakamura! This pretty much confirms that Nakamura is either
already signed or close to do so! Impossible to miss this match! Speaking of which,
it’s time for our big main event! The fate of the Nº1 Contender for the NXT
Championship is at stake and everyone wants to be the next in line! Who will
find the way and reach the desired goal? Stay tuned because we’ll find out
Main Event
Nº1 Contenders Match
- There’s
a big match feel in the arena with the crowd already excited to see this bout.
The match starts with Corey Graves quickly rolling out of the ring, with the
crowd booing him. Joe and Zayn do the “ROH” compliment before going at it. Both
men exchange several holds, with Joe getting the better of Sami due to his
power and quickly tries to put Zayn on the mat with an armbar. Zayn is fast in
reacting and counters into an armbar of his own! Joe again reverses and locks
the Abdominal Stretch. Joe tries to keep Zayn on the ground, weakening his
strong areal offense. Zayn begins to power out of the hold and hits some strong
elbows to the face, followed by a dropkick and an arm drag, applying pressure
on Joe’s left arm. Zayn then goes for an armbreaker, while still applying
pressure. Joe begins to use his strength once more and reaches the ropes, with
the referee breaking the hold. Zayn launches himself into Joe but gets caught
with a vicious Big Boot! Hold on! Graves finally enters the ring and hits a
strong chop block to Joe! “The Saviour of Misbehaviour” begins a brutal assault
on Joe’s legs, hitting several stomps and knee breakers! Corey picks Joe’s leg
and places it on the ropes, going for a jumping stomp! MISSES! Joe moved at the
right second! Joe with an Exploder Suplex! NO! Blocked! Neckbreaker! Graves
with the cover! 1-2-………………………..Sami breaks the pin! Zayn and Graves go at each
other, with Zayn hitting a great armbar, followed by a running knee strike!
MISSED! Graves with a chop block! Lucky 13! HOLD ON! Joe with a Senton!
Connects! OH! Sami with a Half and half suplex on Joe! Amazing! Joe struggles
to get to his feet on the corner, while Sami sees the opportunity for the
Helluva Kick! Here goes! COUNTER!
- Samoa Joe with a Side slam from out of the
corner!! Look out! Graves tries another sneak attack but Joe gets him with an
Exploder Suplex! “The Samoan Submission Machine” is controlling this match
right now. Joe begins stalking Graves and waits for him to get up. Samoan Drop!
OHH! Zayn with a running knee strike to Joe! Cover! 1-2-……………………………………………….KICK
OUT! Zayn looks at Graves and picks him up but Graves counters and shoves Zayn
against the ropes….. OH! Sunset flip powerbomb by Sami Zayn!!
1-2-…………………………………………………Joe breaks the pin!! So close! Joe and Zayn begin a fist
fight, with Joe pushing Zayn against the corner with a fury of punches. Joe
begins hitting some hard slaps to the Canadian superstar, followed by a Corner
Enzuigiri! MISSES! Zayn with a Diving Crossbody!! Cover! NO WAIT! Graves with a
leglock on Zayn!!
- Corey turns it into the Lucky 13!!! Zayn screams in pain,
while Corey uses the ropes for advantage! The crowd pushes for Sami Zayn but
the pain is too much and he begins to fade away! Corey looks like a mad dog and
doesn’t release the hold! Wait a minute! Zayn is still in this! He somehow
begins to fight the pain and uses the ropes to get out of the hold! Fantastic
will showed by Zayn here! Graves can’t believe it and goes for Sami again, as
he hangs on the apron. Clothesline by Graves! Misses! Hard punch by Zayn! LOOK
OUT! Springboard Leg Lariat! He got it but Sami is clearly hurting from the
damage done by Lucky 13! Zayn slowly picks Graves up….. Rake to the eyes!
- Graves with a Suplex! OH MY GOD! Samoa Joe amazingly picks Zayn in the
air and hits a Powerbomb! Graves looks shocked but quickly tries a clothesline
on Joe! Reversed! Inverted atomic drop followed by a running single leg
dropkick! Joe begins to fire up and sends Graves to the corner. Oh no! Muscle
Buster time! Wait! Corey hangs on the ropes and keeps hitting Joe’s face
multiple times! Oh! Hard kick to Joe’s face! Samoa Joe releases the hold and
shows signs of dizziness. Corey is on the top rope and goes for a Diving
Clothesline! POWERBOMB!! Joe with another amazing display of pure power! Hold
on!! Joe just turned the Powerbomb into a Boston Crab!! It’s locked in!! Corey
has nowhere to go and has to tap out here!
- Sami Zayn!! Reverse STO! Koji
Clutch!!!! He has Joe on the Koji Clutch!!! The tables have turned here!!
Graves slowly crawls to the corner and begins taking out a protective pad from
the turnbuckle. Meanwhile, Joe struggles to get himself free from the Koji
Clutch! He starts fighting off and tries to hit some elbows to Sami’s face!
HOLD ON! Joe reversed it into a STF of his own!! Now it’s Sami who is again in
big trouble! The referee asks Sami if he wants to give up but the Canadian says
no but begins once again to fade away! WAIT! Graves breaks the hold! He begins
punching Joe several times but Joe hits a vicious Super Kick!! Corey is groggy!
Joe goes for another Super Kick! NO!!! Low dropkick to Joe’s leg! Jesus Christ!
Joe’s face hits the unprotected turnbuckle!
- Graves with the roll up!!
1-2-…………………………………………………………………………….…………….KICK OUT?!! Wait! Was that a 3 count?!
The crowd looks confused as Corey Graves goes berserk on the referee! He
screams that it was a 3 count but the referee keeps saying it was only 2! That
was very hard to tell. LOOK OUT!!
- Sami Zayn with a Blue Thunder Bomb!! He got
it!! 1-2-3!!! Sami Zayn has done It! He’s the new Nº1 Contender for the NXT
Championship! What a match!
Winner and New Nº1 Contender: Sami Zayn
- The crowd goes insane with Zayn’s
victory, while Graves begins to recuperate and realizes what just went down.
Meanwhile, Finn Balor’s theme song plays and out he comes to the ring. He
enters and stares at Sami Zayn while the crowd begins chanting for both men.
They keep looking at each other and do a handshake.
- Zayn’s theme plays again
and resumes the celebration! It’s now official; Sami Zayn will face NXT
Champion Finn Balor at NXT TakeOver: Armageddon! Thank you all for joining and
see you next week!